Thomas shares makes

PenguinPages Preprocessor

screenshot of old website

When I started maintaining a personal website years ago, I kept all content in static HTML files which I uploaded. The server didn't support server side scripting and for a while I used a JavaScript to provide a navigation menu.

The JavaScript menu fixed just that, navigation. Devising a publishing …

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JAL Programmable Logic Controller

jal plc

When my brother was doing his last year of high-school in electromechanics, he came up with the idea of doing his final project using a homebuilt PLC instead of the usual Siemens stuff. I built the electronics and came up with a framework so he could easily implement his GRAFCET state machine for his part sorting robot for the PICMICRO in the JAL programming language.

This was long before Arduino, long before 'all the cool kids were doing it', and JAL was a free compiler for the affordable PIC microcontrollers. The Arduino of its days.

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Mijn favoriete freeware anno 2005

dia logo


I wrote this piece of advocacy in dutch. Linux used to a thing I explained frequently and this is where I pointed people to afterwards.

Deze pagina heb ik volledig gewijd aan de vrije computerprogramma's die ik gebruik op mijn computers. Het zijn professionele programma's zonder ruwe kanten, waar iedereen direct mee aan de slag kan. De programma's zijn vrij in de zin dat hun broncode (ontwerpplannen) vrij beschikbaar is zodat elke programmeur met tijd en zin verbeteringen kan maken.

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My Highschool Final Project

the pcb

This is the final project I created my last year of highschool (2003-2004). It's about stepper motor control with an AVR microcontroller and BASCOM. I designed a PCB with AT90S2313 microcontroller and ULN2003 Darlington array to drive the stepper motor. It has a chapter about stepper motors that might be …

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