Thomas shares makes


Website Manifesto

I created this homepage to share things with the rest of the world (and I enjoy playing with HTML and PHP). I want this homepage to be interesting for people who are interested in the same things as me. I want this homepage to be useful and easy to read. I wrote my homepage almost entirely in English because most people who understand dutch understand English, but not the other way around.

When using the content of this website

Please keep the following things in mind:

  • it's always possible that this website contains errors.
  • it was your choice to use the content, and I can not held responsible for any loss or damage done due to anything provided on this website, it was your choice to use this website as a resource, and you are responsible for your actions.
  • I wrote this website, and all of its content, if you want to publish parts of my website, you must ask for my permission first.

Web standards

All my pages are supposed to be XHTML 1.0 compliant (click the button on each page to see if they are!) I like to use the PNG image format (it is more powerful than GIF). Because Microsoft Internet Explorer doesn't support PNG and CSS, images may look bad in IE and the layout may look weird.

Microsoft basically has a monopoly on the browser market, however this doesn't mean I will do ugly hacks. I figure most people who visit my site are at least a bit tech-literate and use alternative browsers.

I verify my site with Mozilla browsers, KHTML/Webkit browsers (Konqueror, Safari).

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